Thursday, August 19, 2010

Proud to call myself a Singaporean

Singapore has come a long way, from a small little fishing village to a bustling and vibrant city. Now, despite being just a little dot on the globe, Singapore managed to find a spot in the top 50 countries ranked and emerged as 20th. What's more, we even top the list for economic dynamism, a feat accomplished by a mere dot on the globe. Recently, we even hosted the first ever YOG and what we have done so far is commendable. What with all the ceremonies, concerts and preparations, everything is indeed excellent.
The title "Uniquely Singapore" suits us perfectly as well. Singlish, a language created by Singaporeans and known only to us, proves this point. Besides, Singaporeans are also stereotyped to be 'kiasu' and this is also another point which shows just how unique we are.
Unlike other countries, Singapore is also a peaceful and safe place to live in. We do not experience clashes between the army and protesters, neither do we experience riots or wars. Best of all, we also do not need to be worried of natural disasters claiming our lives.
From all this, I feel blessed and is grateful to be born in such a fantastic country.

1 comment:

  1. I think that it is very good for you to be able to appreciate being born in such a prosperous country. However, most other Singaporeans do not think so and ask perfection from the government in Singapore, an example of which would be Singaporeans requesting a flood-free Singapore just because of the freak flash floods that happened recently. Being able to appreciate being in such a country is not a trait of Singaporeans.
    Li Yang
