Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mother's Memorable Read

Title: BEING HAPPY! A Handbook To Greater Confidence And Security.

About The Author: This book is written by Andrew Matthews, a professional portrait artist and cartoonist. Andrew Matthews has illustrated for leading magazines around the world and has won several of Australia's major art prizes. Not only is he talented in art, Andrew Matthews is also dynamic and is an entertaining speaker and his programmes are much in demand in Australia, Asia and Europe.

About The Book: This book is an international bestseller and as its name suggests, this book teaches people on how they can boost their confidence and have a greater sense of security.

Reasons For Choosing This Book: My mother likes this book as it has taught her several meaningful things in life and also helped her to better control her emotions. The author expresses his thoughts and feeling in the book not only through words but also through humorous pictures and this is also one main reason why my mother likes it so much. Overall, the book is a must-read for all adults as it teaches us lots of useful tips ranging from setting goals to controlling emotions.


  1. Your mom does have a good taste for reading! Wished that I could do the same.

  2. Seeing the impact this book had on your mom, any thoughts of having a look at it yourself?
