It is three in the morning, yet instead of sleeping, I am wide awake and staring into thin air. I keep getting nightmares and memories of my wrongdoings keep coming back to haunt me. I simply cannot bear this torment anymore. It seems that unless I apologize to you, I would always have a guilty conscience and I do not want this to happen. I am really sorry Miss Narwin, I really did not mean for this to happen. All I wanted was to get a passing grade and enter the school's track team. However, you blew my chances of entering the team when you gave me a failing grade. This made me bear a grudge towards you. At the first sign of an opportunity for me to switch classes, I seized it and was successful. However, the issue got blown out of hand in the end and you had to resign. I am really sorry. I initially did not intend to make this matter a mountain out of a molehill, but it just had to happen. I know but it was wrong of me to implicate you but what's done is done and there is also nothing I can do now that can bring us back to the past to avoid this mistake. Therefore, I just want to say that I am sorry for bringing you so much sorrow, and that this matter is all my fault. I hope you can accept my sincere apologies.
Never! You ruined my life. You are a selfish, scurrilous, attention-seeking, manipulative, liar! And those are the positive things! Please never contact me again or I will initiate legal proceedings. Miss Narwin. 7/10